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We only select the most quality trees for your property.

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Select Your Tree Below


All prices include the tree, planting, fertilization, and a one year warranty.


If there is a tree you are interested in but do not see it on this list, let us know. We provide a large selection of trees and shrubs, these are only our most popular.


If you have any questions or would like to place an order,

please call (513) 738-9913  |  (859) 441-5323


Prices may be subject to change based on the availability of trees, please call or email us for details.


The caliper of a tree is measured by the thickness of the trunk, so a 2" caliper tree means that the trunk is 2 inches across. The height ranges depending on the tree.




tree size chart

Glenditsia - Skyline Honeylocust


All prices include the tree, planting, fertilization, and a one year warranty.


Landscape Use: Shade, Specimen

Growth Rate: Fast

Height: 35-45 Ft

Width: 25-35 Ft

Sun: Full Sun

Water: Medium

Maintenance: Medium 


Description:  This tree is very easy to plant and grow, and provides a bright yellow color in the fall. It handles wet and dry sites and is great to plant on hillsides to stabilize poor soil and control erosion. 


1.75" = $421.50

2.0" = $469.50

2.5" = $669.00

3.0" = $850.50

3.5" = $930.00

4.0" = $1,083.00

4.5" = $1,383.75

5.0" = $1,681.50

5.5" = $1,905.00

6.0" = $2,261.25


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Acer Maple - Autum Blaze


All prices include the tree, planting, fertilization, and a one year warranty.


Landscape Use: Shade, Specimen

Growth Rate: Fast

Height:40-50 Ft

Width: 30-40 Ft

Sun: Full sun to part shade

Water: Medium

Maintenance: Low


Description: This bright and colorful tree is a great shade provider with strong branch angles and a dominant central leader. It should be planted 15 Ft away from any building to allow for plenty of room and shade.


No. 10 Count =$252.00

1.75" = $387.00

2" = $387.00

2.5" = $471.00

3" = $726.75

3.5" = $825.75

4" = $942.00

4.5" = $1,191.00

5" = $1,334.25

5.5" = $1,711.50

6" = $2,026.50

6.5" = $2,277.00

Acer_Maple_- Autum_Blaze.jpg

Acer Maple - Redpointe Red Maple


All prices include the tree, planting, fertilization, and a one year warranty.


Landscape Use: Shade, Specimen, Parkway/ Street

Growth Rate: Fast

Height: 40-60 Ft

Width: 40-50 Ft

Sun: Full sun to part shade

Water: Medium 

Maintenance: Low


Description: Adding a pop of color to any yard, the red foliage in the fall adds a level of dynamic energy. This tree is fast growing and adapts to a wide range of climates and soils. 


1.5" = $362.25

1.75" = $402.00

2.0" = $451.50

2.5" = $582.00

3.0" = $708.00

3.5" = $776.25

4.0" = $842.25

5.0" = $1,236.75

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Acer Maple - Pacific Sunset Maple


All prices include the tree, planting, fertilization, and a one year warranty.


Landscape Use: Shade, Specimen

Growth Rate: Fast

Height: 40-50Ft

Width: 30-40 Ft

Sun: Full sun to part shade

Water: Medium to Wet

Maintenance: Low




1.5" = $369.75

1.75" = $429.00

2.0" = $479.25

2.5" = $573.00

3.0" = $702.00

3.5" = $887.25

4.0" = $996.00

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Oak - Swamp White Oak


All prices include the tree, planting, fertilization, and a one year warranty.


Landscape Use: Shade, Specimen

Growth Rate: Medium to Fast

Height: 50-60 Ft

Width: 50-60 Ft

Sun: Full Sun

Water: Medium to Wet

Maintenance: Low




1.75" = $418.50

2" = $498.75

2.5" = $603.00

3" = $741.75

3.5" = $804.75

4" = $972.00

4.5" = $393.75

5" = $1,477.50

5.5" = $1,815.00

6" = $2,034.00

6.5" = $2,373.00

Oak - Swamp White Oak  .jpg

Oak - Bur Oak


All prices include the tree, planting, fertilization, and a one year warranty.


Landscape Use: Shade, Specimen

Growth Rate: Fast

Height:60-80 Ft

Width: 60-80 Ft

Sun: Full Sun

Water: Dry to Medium 

Maintenance: Low




1.75" = $409.50

2.0" = $486.75

2.5" = $567.00

3.0" = $702.75

3.5" = $765.75

4.0" = $933.00

4.5" = $1,142.25

5.0" = $1,408.50

5.5" = $1,449.00

6.0" = $2,104.50

6.5" = $2,268.00

Bur Oak tree.jpg

Elm - Frontier Elm


All prices include the tree, planting, fertilization, and a one year warranty.


Landscape Use: Shade, Specimen

Growth Rate: Slow

Height: 30-40 Ft

Width: 20-30ft

Sun: Full Sun to Part Shade

Water: Medium

Maintenance: Low




1.75" = $392.25

2" = $463.50

2.5" = $576.75

3" = $708.75

3.5" = $813.00

4" = $866.25

4.5" = $954.75

5" = $1,129.50

5.5" = $1,690.50

6" = $1,847.25

Frontier Elm.jpg

Elm - Allee Lacebark Elm


All prices include the tree, planting, fertilization, and a one year warranty.


Landscape Use: Shade, Specimen

Growth Rate: Slow

Height: 30-40 Ft

Width: 20-30ft

Sun: Full Sun to Part Shade

Water: Medium

Maintenance: Low




1.75" = $436.50

2.0" = $519.75

2.5" = $638.25

3.0" = $729.75

3.5" = $843.00

4.0" = $888.00

4.5" = $1,003.50

5.0" = $1,112.25

5.5" = $1,636.50

6.0" = $1,823.25

Allee Lacebark Elm.jpg

Ginkgo - Autumn Gold, Magyur, Presidential Gold Ginkgo Princeton Sentry Ginkgo


All prices include the tree, planting, fertilization, and a one year warranty.


Landscape Use: Shade, Specimen

Growth Rate: Medium

Height: 40-50 Ft

Width: 25-35 Ft

Sun:Full Sun

Water: Medium

Maintenance: Low




1.5" = $446.25

1.75" = $509.25

2" = $570.75

2.5" = $892.50

3" = $1,038.75

3.5" = $1,255.50

4" = $1,422.00

5" = $1,580.25


Zelkova - Green Vase Zelkova


All prices include the tree, planting, fertilization, and a one year warranty.


Landscape Use: Shade, Specimen

Growth Rate: Medium to Fast

Height: 60-70 Ft

Width: 40-50 Ft

Sun: Full Sun

Water: Medium

Maintenance: Low




1.75" = $416.25

2.0" = $505.50

2.5" = $611.25

3.0" = $768.00

3.5" = $882.75

4.0" = $963.00

5.0" = $1,518.00

5.5" = $1,677.00

6.0" = $1,836.00

7.0" = $2,196.00

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Oak - Dawn Red Oak


All prices include the tree, planting, fertilization, and a one year warranty.


Landscape Use: Ornamental

Growth Rate: Slow

Height: 30-40ft

Width: 20-30ft

Sun: Full sun to part shade

Water: Medium

Maintenance: Low


Description:  This tree is 


1.75" = $424.50

2.0" = $504.75

2.5" = $588.00

3.0" = $720.00

3.5" = $831.75

4.0" = $1,022.25

4.5" = $1,320.75

5.0" = $1,496.25

5.5" = $1,718.25

6.0" = $2,110.50

6.5" = $2,288.25

7.0" = $2,738.25

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Hornbeam - American Hornbeam -or-       Blue Beech


All prices include the tree, planting, fertilization, and a one year warranty.


Landscape Use: Parkway/ Street, Ornamental, Specimen

Growth Rate: Slow

Height: 20-35 Ft

Width: 20-35 Ft

Sun: Full Sun- Part Shade- Full Shade

Water: Medium

Maintenance: Low


Description:  This tree is 


1.5" = $351.00

1.75" = $429.75

2.0" = $474.75

2.5" = $593.25

3.0" = $690.00

3.5" = $743.25

4.0" = $816.00

4.5" = $939.00

5.0" = $1,105.50

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